Photography Tips


Following are some tips to rewarding portrait images:

•Use the “Portrait’ Setting on your camera (see above icon) or use a minimum aperture setting (F4 or lower).
•Use either a telephoto lens or a good 50mm lens for that flattering look. Good lenses also, are the 90mm – 105mm Macro Lenses.
•Unless photographing a group, try not to use a wide-angle lens as this can make your subject look less attractive.
•If not using a studio, try to use natural light – but not direct sunlight.
•You can change your ISO to a higher setting to allow a faster shutter speed (400 – 1000 ISO or higher can be useful if using a DSLR)
•If photographing children or pets – try to get to their eye-level for a more intimate and engaging image.
•Try not to take too long with group shots – nothing is more upsetting to those being photographed than you taking too long to take the pic.
•Shoot Shoot Shoot – Kids and Pets are very difficult subjects to photograph, so just keep trying – eventually you will get a great shot (and get better at it!)
•Prior to printing, consider changing your images to B&W or Sepia – sometimes they look great in those mediums.

By Professional Photographer - Kingsley Klau - AIPP
Judge Kingsley Kleau
Kingsley Klau
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